Learning to Sew, Making a Quilt!


My niece and nephew frequently ask to sew with me.  At their current ages of five and nine, only the nine year old has done a little sewing with me in the past (making a pillow case).


I was recently inspired by an article about a women who taught her grandchildren how to sew by teaching them how to quilt.  I decided this would be fun and I invited my niece and nephew over to make their very first quilt! 


I’m not sure what possessed me to invite them over at the SAME date and time but we did okay.  We just alternated at the sewing machine!


They started by picking seven fabrics from my stash.  Lord knows, this did not even make a dent!

We cut their fabric into squares and they laid the squares out onto the floor. From there we moved to the sewing machine.  We learned about terminology such as: presser foot, needle up/down and most importantly, Seam Allowances!


Here is my beautiful niece, Aspen, at the Pfaff Grandquilter. 



My nephew, Tristin…





Learning to press…





About this time…they decided they had had enough sewing for the day.  I was pretty impressed by their dedication.  Attention spans did not waver for a good two hours!


Tristin returned about a week later to finish his top.  Aspen has not yet put her rows together.  She told me yesterday that she would like me to finish the top.  Hmmm…maybe quilting isn’t for her!


Here is Tristin’s finished top.  He did a spectacular job!



Isn’t it interesting that he did not place the squares randomly throughout the quilt?  He wanted the same patterns to go back into the same rows.  I wonder what this says about his personality??




Now, onto the quilter with this top!  (Grandma!)

1 comment:

  1. How sweet to teach your niece and nephew how to sew. Love the fabric choices!

    On another note, watch for an email from me about a blog tour I'm planning. It'll be lots of fun so hope you join us!



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