The Jean Rag Quilt…continues


I’m in the process of starting a new recycled jean rag quilt.  I’m still moving along on a pattern and I need to rework the details as I write.  So now that I am no longer working, I can get busy!


I’m using the charm squares, “Odyssea”.  This particular size of quilt requires three packs. 




Here’s the first row…I just mix up all of the charm squares and start randomly placing them. 

Same with the jean circles.  Just mix up the colors and sew.





I LOVE this quilt pattern.  I love reusing old jeans and making rag quilts.  It’s a fun one!  I’ll keep you updated!


  1. Very cute! I saw a quilt similar to that once but the curved edges were satin stitched down. I liked the look, but it would have been a real thread hog.

    I think I prefer your idea of letting the edges fray.


  2. Thanks so much C.B.! SUPER nice of you to comment!


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