Another Custom Order

I mentioned in my last post that I recently got a request for dog leashes. This prompted me to get busy and figure out how to make them. Turns out it was an easy process once I knew where I was going with it!

I’m excited to make more leashes for my upcoming shows this year. I’m committing to doing at least one dog related show a month starting in May. I’ve got a couple on my radar but need to find others. This will be fun but I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me designing the booth and getting the necessary supplies not to mention making a LOT of collars!


The shows will mostly take place in warmer months and outside so I’ll need an overhead “tent” (don’t know what else to call these things). I’ve seen plenty of them at craft shows, now I need to figure out where I can get a reasonably priced one.
Anyone know?

Another recent special order was for a pair of greyhound collars. In addition to the buckle collars, I also make martingale collars which are great for dogs with heads smaller than their necks. The sizes I had in stock at a local store weren’t quite what these customers were looking for so I made 2” wide bands in much smaller lengths. Presto- Greyhound Collars!

Here’s what they looked like. The customers picked out the fabric.


There’s an extra collar in there, the red one with the birds was also requested by the store.

Next post, my St. Patrick’s Day collars!! They’re SOOOOOO cute!

1 comment:

  1. Never thought about having different width collars for different types of dogs. It appears that you will be making a lot of custom collars. Hoping to see some of your collars modeled on the lucky owners. Have a great weekend.


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