Die Cut Rag Circles!


Hello all,

I have been very busy over here (but who’s not, right?)  :)

I’m in the process of having my brand new “Inventive Denim” website designed, writing new patterns, planning for some upcoming shows and classes and preparing to release my brand new DIE CUT, PRE-FRINGED denim circles!



Die cut pre-fringed circles you say?  How did that come about?

I wanted to improve my Denim Circle Rag Quilt by coming up with an easier way to make it.  I wanted people who didn’t have the time or desire to cut the circles, the opportunity to make it as well.

I started by having a custom die made with the shape and size you might expect (if you’re familiar with my denim circle pattern).  A 6 1/2” circle with fringe.  Sounded perfect so I placed the order and got busy making quilts.  Uhhhh…small problem. I wasn’t happy with the finished product.

The fringe could be seen peeking through the back of the quilts after washing and drying.  Now it didn’t poke through a TON but enough that I felt with repeated washings and usage, you would eventually end up with little “poofs” of denim fringe poking through the back of the quilts where ever the seams intersected! 

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!  Please don’t tell me my brand new, custom designed die doesn’t work!

So, after a few days of extra chocolate intake to reboot my brain I started all over.

Why didn’t it work?  What could I do differently?  It took a while but I finally came up with a design that does work.  And works PERFECTLY!  I love it!

I have signed on a few pattern testers and they will be busy helping me with my new table runner pattern using the die cut denim circles.  (Thank you pattern testers- you know who you are)!!!

Just as soon as they’re done you’ll be seeing a new pattern available in conjunction with die cut circles!

Here are a few pictures of a table runner I just made using the die cuts.  L-O-V-I-N-G it!  :)  What do you think?




  1. Thank you for following Heather! I am looking forward to my planned weekend project...I found the perfect blue jean mini and flour sack (for the lining)that I am going to make over into a bag! Have a good weekend!

  2. AWESOME Paula!! How did it turn out? Would love to see a photo!! :)


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