Newsletter and the FREE E-Book! They’re HERE!

Hi all!

I’m so excited because I’m unveiling my BRAND new Newsletter titled, “Inventive Denim” and simultaneously releasing my new E-Book, “My Best Tips for Sewing (& Quilting) with Recycled Jeans”!!

As a matter of fact, they’re tied together in one neat little bundle!

Sign up for my newsletter (see form directly to the top, right of this page) and I’ll send you my FREE E-Book too!

I’ve spent a LOT of time pouring every trick I have found to be effective in working with denim into this E-Book.  I hope you will find it very useful.

And the newsletter, well it’s appropriately called, “Inventive Denim” because it will be all about using denim and recycled jeans to sew and create projects! 

Inventive Denim is not just the name of my new newsletter, it’s also going to be the name of my new Blog Site!  It’s being created right now and so the release is still a bit off, but it’s going to be terribly exciting and I hope you will consider following me over to it!

I will still be here at The Passionate Quilter for now (and maybe longer, I’m debating) so I hope you’ll keep stopping by!


Don’t forget to sign up and get my free E-Book before you leave!!!

Heather :)



  1. Whoa!! I found you through Pinterest! Great blog! Great ideas!

  2. Thank you so much Amy!! :) And glad to know where you first heard of me!


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