Liebster Blog Award!



How awesome is it that TWO different people gave me the Liebster Blog Award in one day?? The Liebster award is intended to showcase bloggers with less than 200 followers.

Thank you to Mallorie Anderson @ Everyday Quilter and

Karen M. @ Karen's Sewing Room for giving me this award!

In accordance with the award, I am awarding 5 other bloggers this honor!  Here are 5 of my favorites! 

1.  Shankevia @ The Quilting Diaries

2.  Grace @ Puddle Duck Ideas

3.  Tessa @ The Sewing Chick

4.  Candace @ SaltWater Quilts

5.  Amanda @ Fabric Engineer 

I like giving recognition to other small blogs like my own.  Hopefully, we’ll all be BIG blogs soon enough!  :)



  1. Thank you so much for the award and for the nice comments about my blog. It made my day!!

  2. Hi Tessa,

    You are SOOOO welcome! What a wonderful blog you have. Best of luck!


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