Hat Creek Camping Trip

We got away for a few days in May to a place we discovered last year.  Hat Creek Resort has some really cute cabins with of all the essentials! No need to pack silverware or dishes.   I know, I know, it's not REALLY camping.  I mean we have electricity, a bed, couch, cable and a shower.  So..."camping" it's not.  However, it is out in the woods and there is a campfire out back and fly fishing for the hubby, so it's as close to camping as we get anymore!

I took my sewing machine and worked on my "Less than Traditional" quilt.  I got all of my circles sewed into units of four.  The kitchen table  was well suited to my travel machine and I had plenty of room to work.

We stayed in one of their largest cabins this time so we had LOTS of room to move around.  In comparison to the very small place we stayed in last time, this was pretty nice!

We took two of the dogs and they seemed to have a good time as well.  What dog doesn't love running around in the cool mountain air chasing squirrels?

Pearl is so cute!!

Here's my set up.  I was happy to get all of those pieces put together.  Now that I have sets of four, I need to put them together into larger sections. (Sigh...more work).

Here I am, camping attire and all!  See that stack of circles in the background?  I got a LOT done!!  :)

Lots of fun in just a few short days.  Getting away is so rejuvenating! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're re-energized! Can't wait to see the finished product.



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