Renovated Quilting Room!

Since I knew I was close to leaving my job, I started a renovation of my quilting room a couple of weeks ago.


I knew I wanted more storage that also looked nice.  I was VERY tired of not being able to find anything and the uncomfortable clutter associated with keeping so much on the floor.


Yuck!  This was no way to work and expect productivity. 


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So…I knew what I wanted.  I just needed to make it happen.


I went to Lowe’s and got the necessary shelving materials. 


Here’s the start of my shelving.  I did the work myself!





Here’s what the shelves looked like once I moved everything back into the room.


Whew!  It was a bit of work!  This was the first time I have put up shelving.  I am SO HAPPY with the results!


Here’s what my “Wall of Rulers” looks like.  Oh my gosh, I can now find a ruler when I need it!



And here’s what the room looks like all put back together!  It is such a TREAT to use this room!






I think I have finally found the best way to utilize the space in this small room.  I just realized, I don’t have any pictures of the “fabric closet” or the design wall. I’ll have to include those later.


Woo-Hoo!  I’m LOVING this room!


  1. Wow your sewing room looks fabulous!! Everything looks so organized. Now on to quilting :-)

  2. what have you used to hang the rulers on? looks interesting!

  3. It's great to have a dedicated sewing space organized just the way you want it! I'm also in awe that you did all that shelving yourself.

  4. Great Job!! How about doing my room next? Love the thread wall!!
    Superior Threads

  5. Thank you Happy Cottage Quilter! You're right, onto sewing!!

  6. Hi Sewlmate Sister! I used the 3M hooks that you see at office stores. You know the ones that you peel off the sticky back? When you want to remove them from the wall, you can pull them off without damaging the wall. :) Worked like a charm and hold a lot of weight!

  7. Thank you so much Jackie! I was really considering whether I could do the shelving or not but I guess I should have had more confidence in myself! :)


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